How do I clean my SLIPSTREAM® glass?
It’s easy! Remove the detachable straw from the SLIPSTREAM® glass and place it into the dishwasher.
For the best wash, use hot wash function and heat dry function on your dishwasher (the glass is made from borosilicate (PYREX®) which is temper resistant and very durable)
Your SLIPSTREAM® will be as good as new!
PRO-TIP: Put the straw into the utensil bin and make sure nothing comes into contact with it during the wash, so it doesn’t break.
Check out this video for more:
The Slipstream Absinthe glass was made specifically for bar and restaurant use. We use borosilicate glass or Pyrex(TM) which have shock/thermal resistant properties.
The straw in my SLIPSTREAM® glass is stuck? How do I get it out?
We get it… you were drinking last night and forgot to soak it in hot water before you went to bed… that’s okay because so have we. The best way to fix this is to soak it in hot water for a few hours. If you want faster results soak the joint with baking soda or Coca-Cola in hot water to clean out the sugar that is making the joint stick. Be careful with the straw!
PRO-TIP: If the straw broke and part is still in the joint, we suggest soaking the glass and getting pair of protective gloves and plyers to remove the join.
The Straw in my SLIPSTREAM® glass is loose? How do I make it tight?
When you insert the straw make sure you push the insert into the glass opening and TWIST the straw into the joint. It’s a ground joint surface and when you twist the straw into the joint it will stick set better.
PRO-TIP: You can insert the straw and drink from the tip of the straw in any direction above the glass. After all, it’s a matter of style and it’s yours!
How do I hold the SLIPSTREAM® glass?
It’s best to hold the SLIPSTREAM® glass by the U shape on the base below the straw. We made this longer so you could easily wrap your fingers around it.
PRO-TIP: You still need to be careful not to pick up the glass by the straw in case it gets loose, you wouldn’t want a broken glass.
Are SLIPSTREAM® glasses safe to drink from?
Yes, we are FDA approved and made from the highest quality BPA-free materials.
How much absinthe and water do I pour into the SLIPSTREAM® glass?
The SLIPSTREAM® glass was built for commercial bar and restaurant use to make it easier for anyone to make the perfect drink of absinthe.
At the base of the glass you will see the SLIPSTREAM ABSINTHE LOGO, this logo serves as a ‘doseline’ and if you pour the absinthe to the middle of the logo you will get 1.5 ounces of absinthe which is the perfect amount of absinthe. Depending on the absinthe the amount of water you add will vary.
PRO-TIP: Check the ABV of the absinthe you are using to match the best ration of absinthe and water. From our experience a 1:4 ration of absinthe and water is about right but everyone has different tastes! We would love to hear about your thoughts on @slipstreamabsinthe on Facebook. Remember, you can always add more water if it’s too strong.
Do I have to use sugar with my absinthe in the SLIPSTREAM® glass?
No, sugar is meant to lessen the bitterness of the absinthe. The Grande Wormwood plant is one of the most bitter substances in the world and a core herb used in absinthe. Depending on the absinthe and your tasting palate you may or may not want to use sugar.
Does it matter what type of water I use in the SLIPSTREAM® glass?
Yes, Spring Water is the best and it must be cold. Absinthe tastes best with cold mountain spring water. Cold water gives the absinthe a better taste!
Why is my SLIPSTREAM® glass not making a beautiful effect (louche)?
Because you are not using real absinthe, the visual effect that occurs in from the louche happens because the essential oils and herbs from the absinthe plants create a chemical reaction that mixes with the water.
Pro-Tip: There are many absinthes that are sold that do not have high quality herbs or call themselves absinthe but do not follow the traditional recipe that makes absinthe so unique.
Where do I buy real absinthe?
Check out our list of trusted absinthe websites:
Total Wine and BevMo have absinthe but be careful what you are buying. Your best bet is Total Wine and the REAL Absinthe to consider buying there is is La Clandestine, Lucid, Kubler, Mansinthe.
Click here to visit
We love for REAL absinthe!
How do I find Absinthe Minded People?
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